Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City premieres exclusively on Peacock on August 11. Set in 1955 during the annual Junior Stargazers and Space Cadets Convention, Anderson’s sci-fi comedy brings together an extraordinary cast—including Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks, Jason Schwartzman, Bryan Cranston, Jeffrey Wright, Steve Carell, Hope Davis, and Maya Hawke, among others—to help create what Indiewire calls “one of his best movies yet.”
The film’s stunning costumes and wondrous production design only further demonstrate the Los Angeles Times’ observation that Anderson’s unique style “doesn’t conceal so much as magnify the emotions that his characters feel...”
Before or after watching the film, take a deep dive into the film’s retro chic outfits with John Zee, the host of Dressed, Focus Features’ video series on costume design. Plus, if you want to dress up yourself, check out the Asteroid City collection to pick out just the right cap, T-shirt, or blanket for your viewing pleasure.
Stream Asteroid City exclusively on Peacock!